1. Avoid boring and being predictable. To be predictable and boring is the worst crime in flirting with text messages. Text messages must be engaging and fun. If you aren't able to think of something interesting or interesting to say, then you should not text her at all.For example, you shouldn't start a text conversation with messages that are boring like "Hey :)" or "How do you feel about your day?" A total snorefest. The messages will be from the guys she interacts with, therefore make sure that you make yourself stand out. You can try something different and give her an incentive to respond, such as "you have a complete blunder in soccer the other night." I want a rematch.
2. Personalize it. Text messages often seem a little unfriendly. This will make it easier to build a relationship between you. It is possible to include her name in a text message. Girls like to see their names appear in messages. It's more intimate and gives them a sense of connection. It's also possible to name her in honor of an individual nickname. It gives the impression as if you're sharing an intimate conversation. Use the words "us" as well as "we" when you send messages -this creates the "me and you against the world" vibe that girls are drawn to.
3. Be sure that you compliment her. Take a look at "Wow you look amazing, I you have gorgeous hair today, it's so gorgeous." It's a simple thing to do. Girls love feeling valued and loved. So if you can work some good compliments into your emails, then go for it. You can try a traditional (yet efficient) compliment such as "I cannot stop thinking about your blue and black dress" or choose something more unusual like "you have the weirdest sense of humor, but I really like it." Do not play a joke on her. You can tell when the girl is real or not. Take a look at this special way to say i love you for examples.
4. Be secretive. It's fine to be a bit mysterious in your texts messages. You want her to believe that you're chasing her, and not the other way around. You shouldn't send a long, detailed message about everything to her in case she wants to know. Try to say, "It was quite bizarre in reality." People never cease to amaze me as do I." Hopefully she'll be curious and want additional details in your next message. Be careful when you want to discuss your plans for the weekend. It's impossible convince her that you're just going to spend the weekend finishing up a paper. Inform her that you're about to battle a dragon or any other strange creature. It doesn't have to be true.
5 .Tease her just a bit. You can flirt with your girl by making fun of her. As we have said, calling your girl a cute nickname (one that's only used by her) is a fun way to have fun without being too offensive. For instance, "freckles", and "little Miss Perfect" are good examples. You could ask her about something that she's made or did the last time you were together. For example, you can say that she's having a Coke. But do not pour it down your mouth the same way you did last time. This is a good example of callback humor. It draws her attention to the time you had together and encourages her to look forward to positive thoughts about your relationships. Texting relationships will end quickly if you're not polite or off-putting.
6 Be suggestive. No text flirting relationship would be complete if there wasn't some naughty idea to keep it fresh. You can inquire about what she's wearing or say something like, "I loved you in this dress, however I'm thinking that I'd be enthralled by what's underneath even more." Another way to trick her is to use a casual comment and then make it appear sexual. It could be as simple as "I cannot imagine how long it is!" In this instance it could be that she is talking about a film (or similar to it) and you can respond by telling her "that's precisely what she said." If you're feeling a bit concerned about taking the sexting route it's possible to try telling her that you've just come from the bathroom. If she replies with a sexually flirtatious manner (like "dang.I'd be in love with this") you can be certain that she is open to it. Have a look at this sweet relationship messages for info.
Text Flirting Etiquette
1. Keep your messages concise and clear. Long texts can make you appear irritable and dull. Your messages should be short and sweet, no longer than two to three sentences. It is essential to keep your messages brief and sweet. The flirting shouldn't include conversation about weather.
2. Send the same number messages. There should be a certain amount of equality in every texting relationship -one person should not be sending a substantially larger number of texts than another. If you send too many texts, it will make you appear too eager and accessible. You'll appear to be coming on too strong -which will either freak her out or cause her to lose interest. On the other hand, if she doesn't receive enough texts that it can cause you to appear disinterested. Or, worse, lead to her believing that you're messaging multiple girls at one time. If she feels this way it could make her think you're an unworthy person. It is essential to find the right balance. Send her the same number of messages. It is also important to be aware of who starts and ends each text conversation. If you can, you want to alternate.
3. Be careful with spelling and grammar. Text messages should give an impression that you're clever and smart. It's not easy to do this if you're not "txtin-lyk dis". Teenagers could be able accomplish this, however adults over 18 should be more attentive to spelling and grammar.
There is no need to spend time to look up large words in the dictionary to look smart, take a quick look at every text before you send it to make sure there are no glaring typos or misspellings. The way your text is read will greatly depend on the punctuation. It is possible discern if your lady sends a picture of her wearing a new outfit. is a lot more exciting than just "wow", while "I like it" ..." is more attractive and flirty as opposed to "I like it". Be careful not to use exclamation marksor questions marks, smiley faces emoticons, or winky faces too much. While they can be useful when they are used correctly but they could look unprofessional when used in excess. Have a look at this romantic couples messages for examples.
4. Don't allow the conversation to get lost in the conversation. You need to learn how to end a dying conversation. This is one of the most crucial skills to use when texting. [8] If you don't stop talking, you will eventually exhaust your ideas and the conversation will turn monotonous and boring. It's important to stop the conversation before it reaches that point. This will enable you to keep her interested. The best way to end the conversation is by saying something sweet and flirty like "gotta go, babe. I'll be in touch with you next time." Do not get too involved with me!" or "Time to go to bed. I need to rest and get my beauty sleep. You're welcome in your dreams!
5. Text flirting shouldn't be used in lieu of actual flirting. Texting shouldn't be used as a means to flirt in between flirting sessions. While texting is fun (and occasionally, you may say things that aren't appropriate for a particular person) it's nothing like flirting in the real world. Text chats can be utilized to organize your next casual date or organize your next date. This gives your texting purpose and something you both can look forward to. It is vital to remember that things like prolonged eye contact as well as a beautiful smile are better than the words you see on a screen.